Why Contoura vision is the best treatment for specs removal?
From the time that hand-blown glass spectacles and contact lenses were handcrafted for each patient in the 1800s, to today, the correction of refractive errors customized to the needs of the individual have undergone a revolutionary change. Doctors and scientists have collaborated to provide vision correction dimensions which were hitherto unimaginable.
Contoura Vision – Beyond spectacle free
In the armamentarium of ophthalmic surgical innovations, Contoura Vision is the most sophisticated technology, which is actually a topography-guided LASIK treatment system. The technology which is performed using the WaveLight Allegretto Wave Eye-Q or WaveLight EX500 Excimer Laser Systems, in conjunction with the WaveLight Topolyzer Vario Diagnostic Device (manufactured by Alcon, a division of Novartis, USA) uses the specific corneal curvature of the individual patient to provide a customized laser ablation of the cornea. These machines ensure that all the surface imperfections in individual corneas and consequently the optical system of the eye, are recorded and addressed, which results in a sharper and brighter focus.
Translated into patient experience, what this means is that since the cornea is imaged at several points, and each single point is ablated depending on the aberrations present at that point only, the surgery actually provides a vision correction that was not possible until now. This can be done for patients of both nearsightedness, that is, myopia, and astigmatism, with equal ease.
Better vision than that achieved with glasses or contact lenses
Contoura Vision provides better visual results than either glasses or contact lenses for almost 30% patients as evidenced from multicenter clinical trials. In fact, when evaluating “quality of vision”, that is visual acuity combined with visual symptoms, Contoura vision performed better than both glasses and contact lenses.
In US FDA trials, almost one third of the eyes which had undergone the surgery reported a better unaided vision than that achieved with the glasses/ contact lenses preoperatively, at the end of twelve months after surgery.
Also these patients reported a lower incidence of visual disturbances like glare, halos, difficulty in night time driving and reading etcetera
Let’s talk super vision
In fact, Contoura Vision treatment for vision correction has even provided patients vision better than 6/6 (or 20/20, which is the standardized normal vision) in as many as 40% patients. That is, that 40.4% of the patients evaluated who had 6/6 vision with their glasses before surgery, could actually read one extra line on the visual acuity chart while 13.5% gained two lines on the visual acuity chart.
Contoura Vision – Beyond Blade-Free LASIK and SMILE
There is no doubt that other vision correction procedures such as the Bladeless Lasik & Smile offer terrific visual results, but the Contoura Vision experience is one that has been unparalleled to date.
As many as 22000 data points on each of the corneas is evaluated, recorded, and treated accordingly in order to offer crystal clear vision, which is far superior to that offered by any other currently available technology. Also, the ablation is centered on the visual axis of the eye with the help of the fastest gaze tracker in the world, making it safer and more precise than currently available technology.
To borrow an analogy from the world of fashion, it’s the difference between a shirt you pick off the shelf, and one that is custom designed to fit your body: the difference between pret a porter, and couture.
Contoura Vision in Gurugram/NCR
If you thought Contoura Vision is available in the USA alone, you are in for a surprise. There is center in Gurugram (Gurgaon), which actually offer Contoura Vision technology for spectacle removal.
Ahooja Eye and Dental Institute is one of the few Eye Hospital situated in Gurugram (Gurgaon) which offers Contoura Vision based specs removal procedure.