Endodontia Hospital Gurgaon
Root Canal Treatment (RCT)
Root canals are necessary when a tooth is badly decayed or becomes infected. Sometimes repeated dental procedures, cracks or chips in the tooth, and trauma to the face can make a root canal necessary. During the root canal procedure, the damaged tooth pulp/nerve is removed to prevent further problems within the tooth.
The root canal treatment is used during one of the final forms of tooth decay and, usually, used only as the last measure available. It is the most undesirable outcome since the tooth, after the pulp is removed, is considered to be dead, which makes it much more fragile.
The root canal treatment (RCT) cost at AEDI Gurgaon can vary based on the difficulty of the procedure. The earlier the infection is found, the less destructive its influence on the tooth structure is. In the best scenario, the patient who is in need of the root canal should expect the simple procedure of the removal of the diseased pulp and seal the chamber. In more difficult cases, the patient will need extra measures in order to preserve the tooth structure.
At Ahooja Eye & Dental Institute Gurgaon, the care is always oriented around saving your teeth. This holds true even in cases where Root Canal Specialist must rescue your tooth from a failed root canal. Our state of the art technology and years of experience, Dr. Anu Ahooja and her team can very often retreat your root canal regardless of why it initially failed.

FAQ on Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment is the removal of the tooth’s pulp, a small, thread-like tissue in the center of the tooth. Once the damaged, diseased or dead pulp is removed, the remaining space is cleaned, shaped and filled. This procedure seals off the root canal.
We have different endodontic systems ( manual as well as rotary ) at our hospital. Root canal treatment generally takes 3-4 sittings to be completed in case of an infected tooth. If we are performing intentional RCT, we can complete the treatment in a single sitting ( 2-3 hours ).
- Success Rate. Root canal Treatment (endodontic therapy) is about 95% successsful. Many factors affect the success of the treatment: your general health, condition of the nerves & the root canal(s), bone support around the tooth, strength of the tooth (fracture lines) etc.
- Completion of Treatment. Root Canals are sometimes completed in a single appointment or may take several appointments, if the treatment spans several appointments, you will have a temporary filling placed on the tooth to protect the canal. Once treatment is begun, it is absolutely necessary that the treatment be completed & the patient must diligently follow any & all instructions.
- Sensitivity. Just like with fillings, a root canal tooth can be sensitive both during & after final treatment. Usually this sensitivity disappears in several weeks.
- Crown Needed. A crown is usually recommended for any tooth that has a root canal treatment. This is because root canal treated teeth no longer have a blood supply to them & become more brittle than your other teeth. This is especially true of your back chewing teeth, the molars & bicuspids.
- Causes of Fracture. One of the main reasons root canals fail is because of breakage or fracture of the tooth. A fractured tooth(especially because of vertical fracture) can require extraction of the tooth. One of the best way to prevent fracture of a root canal is to put crown over the tooth to strengthen it. Other causes of fracture include grinding of teeth, improper bite, trauma etc. These fractures can occur either before or after the root canal & often are invisible and/or hard to detect.
- Proper Care. Root canal teeth have no nerve but they still can decay. It is important to take care of root canal treated teeth just as you would for any other tooth, such as good home care ,proper diet & dental checkups.
- Additional Treatment. Additional Treatment may be necessary. Occasionally root canal treatment alone does not complete the treatment. The canals of teeth can be very narrow, curved or calcified. There may be infection around the roots of the tooth. Instrument used in tooth may become separated in the canal. The tooth remains or becomes sensitive. A surgical procedure or possibly extraction may be necessary to try to resolve the problem.